OSDS Board Meeting January 11 2023
Members present:
Laurene S.
- Donna suggested that we change our forms online to PDF fillable so that they can complete it without all of the hassle.
Meeting called to order by Amelia
Secretary report:
- Secretary’s minutes were sent prior to the meeting
- 2023 members: 29 not counting lifetime members; 15 from Washington and Oregon
- Donna motioned to accept
- Dave seconded
- Motion passed
Treasurer’s Report
- Treasuer’s Report was sent prior to the meeting
- Checking $5213.47
- Money Market: $6,621.95
- Feb bills: insurance payments for the year
- Maggie motioned to accept
- Dave seconded
- Motion passed
Board Elections 2023:
- The ballot results are only partial
- We can only see 10 of the responses out of 34. Survey Monkey wants us to pay for complete results
- Survey Monkey changed and it will cost $75 a month for a year or $100 for a one time fee to see the rest of our ballots/surveys
- Donna moves to accept the results as they are now
- She wants to declare two open positions that are on the board in a message to membership to see if anyone wants us to serve
- Do we pay to see the results??
- We can vote to accept the results that we have 7 (we have quorum)
- Open positions discussion:
- Alicia will volunteer for webmaster until 3/14/23 when she has been a member for 1 year and eligible to be on the board. Maggie will manage the webpage until Alicia can do it.
- Dave amended the motion to three open positions
- In the message to members we will describe the qualifications of the position and accept letters of interest.
- Maggie seconded
- Motion passed
Dave begins his tenure as as newly elected president and leader of this meeting (etc.)
New Business:
- Donna set up the zoom account
- Agenda will be on Zoom invite.
- Dave asked Donna to add both the president and vice president to the Zoom account. Donna said she would complete that task
- Alicia has questions on the forms we use. They are on the forum
- Donna will be doing the tax filing for OSDS
- Webinar Discussion:;
- We have done 4 webinars in 9 months.
- Webinars require a lot of work and planning. Donna suggests limiting webinars to two per year (Oct. and March). With a 60 day window to register.
- We need to streamline it
- Check with Lisa Berglund for a more streamlined system
- Amelia’s advice: Maggie will run webinars and have a practice session with the Clinician before the webinar
- Donna has a question about the donations: Is the young lady going to world trial a member of OSDS? No; Is the donation to world trial buying an ad? No. We are donating to finals this year and Amelia (on the committee) will make sure we get a banner for finals; Does OSDS purchase an ad at finals next year? It is an additional $250
- Donna suggested using our donation to sponsor an award instead of using it for an ad.
- We will consider it when the time comes. Closer to finals.
- OSDS should make their donations transparent: i.e., member newsletter facebook telling what we did publicly
- Alicia is serving as a statistician and thus, is in the meeting.
- Suggestion: make our board meeting public (i.e., open to members). The members could have 3 minutes each to comment to the board.
OSDS Trials 2023
- Laurene reached out to Jill and has not heard back from arena trial in Salem
- Dave has not heard from his student that is helping get the trial in Salem
- Dave has not talked to Vicki about possibly holding a trial.
Donna motion to adjourn the meeting
Maggie seconds
Meeting Adjourned